Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading Post 4/30

This week in The Hero of Ages I read a little over 100 pages and am now on page 324.  I read my nightly goal of 30 minutes contradicting the pattern I've set so far this semester.  In total I'm over 900 pages for the semester.  My pace of reading is up to par for the class requirements but if I want to meet my goal of finishing the entire series before the passing of the year I'll need to more than double my pages per week.  I also found out that Brandon Sanderson is writing 3 mini-series out of Mistborn.  The first, the one I'm nearly finished with, is a medieval setting.  He has one book finished for the next series, which will be set in a steam punk setting.  Then the series will transfer to a sci-fi/fantasy genre set in space.  Also I learned that every book he's ever written is all set in the same universe just different planets.  The inter-galactic sub-series, I hypothesize, will connect all the worlds from his books and be some awesome finale which makes me want read all of his books.

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