Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading Post 3/8

Being in between books but still trying to maintain the same pace of reading is a weird situation.  Although this situation will be coming to an end shortly, The Well of Ascension is no longer checked out, now my only obstacle is making the trip out to the main library, or waiting longer and having them ship it to the Aboite Branch.  This week my reading has been a purposeless collection of filler reading.  Wikipedia articles and a couple chapters of Artemis Fowl for the nostalgia, oh and after the vocab test I read the first chapter of World War Z.   That was pretty interesting and I'll come back to that later.

I'm echoing here but this is something I wonder about all the time, and that's the vast range of articles on wikipedia; the people who writes the articles, what possesses them to write them, are the experts on the subject or just internet dwellers who do their research, or perhaps those two things are synonymous.  Regardless I'm glad they do whatever they do, otherwise I wouldn't have the ability to read this article.  In a quick summary the article covers the war tactic of "dummy tanks", inflatable or wooden mock tanks used for a couple different reasons.  They can be decoys, say you send the decoys in one direction then flank from another, used for practice battle scenarios, or intimidation.  I'm left wondering how soldiers accompanying these fakes must feel.  I can't even begin to imagine how under normal circumstances a soldier must feel, but when you're surrounded by essentially blow up toys in hopes that the enemy will be too afraid to attack must be a completely different feeling.  I'm sure this is a thought that has been conceived and brought up many times, but under what circumstances had to occur for the plan to be instilled.  To me it seems like sending a lamb to a wolf only the lamb is wearing a bulky bear costume.  Of the articles I read this provoked the most thoughts.

I don't really have much to say about Artemis Fowl, it's a series I have and still do enjoy and read a bit of it to pass the time this week.  I'll skip ahead to my thoughts on World War Z.  The text book format while still being in first person perspective is an interesting way of retelling the series of events of a zombie apocalypse.  From what I read it appeared to be a promisingly entertaining book.  Perhaps it will be something I'll come back to after finishing the Mistborn series, we'll see how things unravel.

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