Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reading Post - 2/23

Had another sick day this week, I was that level of sick where the warden will let me stay home from school yet not too much to the point that I can't enjoy the day off.  Wait, what's that, there's something wrong, a different sort of air about the room.  I play it off and immigrate into the nirvana that is cinnamon toast and The Price is Right.  My doubts of the upcoming apocalypse in December were shattered when one of the few constants of my life was brutally ripped out of my grasp.  The Price is Right wasn't on whilst I was ill.  With my world shaken I had to find an alternative to get my mind off the cataclysm.  Having finished Mistborn I had to look to another venue of joy, the internet.

As it was once said, "Life's like a website full of fan fictions, you never know what you'll get".  This being said because of the variety and desultory nature of what you'll find in fan fictions.  One constant of life that is quite adamant is that if something exists, there are fan fictions of it.  Often ranging from creative genius to deranged lunacy.  Reading the plot twists, climaxes and alternate endings conjured from the minds of total strangers is perpetually interesting entertainment.  My favorite genre of these writings are the twists on movies.  One of my personal favorites of this denomination is a rendition of the patriotic retelling of the 1980 Olympics, Miracle, in which the Russians actually won, not the underdog youngins of America.  This wasn't a favored find of the day because it was remarkably well written or because I would've preferred that outcome.  It's because this one stuck with me like a weird dream.  What possessed the writer to think of completely doing a 180 on what the entirety of the movie was about, and what possessed him to punch out these thoughts into a keyboard for all the internet to see?  Regardless I'm glad he did because it brought a Price is Right-deprived lad some entertainment and food for thought on a sick day.  Hopefully in the near future I'll be stopping by the library to pick up the next book in the Mistborn series and will be able to post on its contents.

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