Friday, February 3, 2012

Submission 1

Music for many people has become a second nature response to many situations.  Step into the car; turn on the radio.  Sit down at your computer; open up itunes.  Music no longer is music, but a subconscious reaction to everyday situations.  Conscientiously responding to these situations differently is a rewarding experience.  All sounds evoke emotions and dictate one's state of being, the acute ambiance of rainymood soothes the mind into a state of earthly nirvana.

There is a therapeutic air about the impalpable whispers of the pattering rainfall.  Visions of sitting in the window seat of in a Victorian-style home, a warm familiar feeling wrapping over you.  Sitting perched watching the uniform chaos of rain hitting the window like the ever elusive mythical well tamed mullet, if one truly exists.  The effect the soothing sounds have over one's mood are similar to that of a fireside comfy chair.

As children the daunting effects of storms sent us underneath the shield of blankets, now at an older age the very same thing can be the perfect adjunct to lying underneath the covers.  Rain being one of the scarce constants throughout life makes it a sliver of infinity giving comfort throughout the many perils of life.  Times of peril such as the times when you're stressed with school or work.  The ambiance of rain works like a person untying knots, unraveling the day to day troubles.


  1. "As children the daunting effects of storms sent us underneath the shield of blankets, now at an older age the very same thing can be the perfect adjunct to lying underneath the covers." This is very true, so is "rain is one of the few constants in life." Enjoyed reading this.

  2. I don't know what it is about rain but its such an interesting phenomenon. Some people love it some people hate it but that's what makes it so interesting. I personally love it because for some reason it makes me think and reflect on my life. Don't know why though.

  3. I love your observation that "rain is one of the scarce constants in life;" I've never really thought of it that way, but it is very true. I don't think I'll ever take another rainstorm for granted again. Thank you.

  4. I tried this website before, and I found that listening to acoustic music over the top of the rain sounds really enhances the entire experience.
