Friday, February 3, 2012

Reflection 2/2/12

With the flu being handed out on every street corner I was not one of the ones lucky enough to be missed in the distribution.  Monday was one of those mornings where all was null.  That achy sick feeling plagued me, my nose was stuffy, it sounded like everything I heard was coming through a filter.  It was a "Price is Right" day.  I call it this because there's this magic property that whenever one is sick, The Price is Right reveals itself for them and will be on during whatever time is convenient for that person.  This is more of a law rather than a property as it's accurate 100% of the time.  As I drug myself down the stairs equipped only with Mistborn, I made my way to the living room and planted myself into the couch.  Saddened once again that Bob Barker is no longer the host I cracked open my book and began.

Fantasy novels complimented with the background noise of game show antics is a therapeutic combo.  I've reached my favorite part of nearly all fictional stories.  When the new hero learns the ropes.  Vin is being taught by Kelsier the 8 basic alloys used by allomancers.  They do their teachings under the cover of night while the city around them lays dormant.  They move on to the steel push and iron pull.  The two alloys that allow you to control metals around you.  Pushing off a coin he tossed to the ground Kelsier demonstrates the ability to fly, or as close as you can come to it.  He ascends up a city walls using his momentum to land on top.  Vin tentatively follows his lead does not find the same success and finds herself eating the wall.  Next they descend down the other side and are in the openness of being outside the city walls.  Mist and darkness is all around them.  Then it appears, a thing of myth, a mistwraith.  Vin had heard of them but never thought they were real.  "Its body was bulbous and elongated.  It wasn't just a a blob, though... There was a strange logic to its form.  It had distinct skeletal structure, the creature flexed odd jumbles of muscles as it moved."  Mistwraits are scavangers of sorts who can't harm anything fast enough to outrun its scuttle.  While they're horrific in looks they don't have the ability to back up their front of power.  With the basics of allomancy and experience in the outside world under Vin's belt I know we're fast approaching the climatic unfolding of the plan to topple the Final Empire.

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